all categories
blackcurrant 10 tea bags
blueberry and pomegranate loose leaf 100g
blueberry vanilla tea bags
brilliant breakfast 20 tea bags
brilliant breakfast loose leaf 125g
caramel tea bags
ceylon green tea with lychee ginger loose leaf 75g
ceylon silver tips white tea 20 tea bags
ceylon silver tips white tea 40g
ceylon supreme 50 tea bags
ceylon whole leaf green tea 100g 1
ceylon whole leaf green tea 20 tea bags
chill out t wooden presenter
dilmah gentleman s tea 60 tea bags
dilmah gentlemen s tea 20 tea bags
dombagastalawa single estate fbop 20 tea bags
dombagastalawa single estate fbop loose leaf 85g
earl grey 125g
earl grey 50 tea bags
effortless tea infuser
seasoned menu
galle district op1 loose leaf 85g
ginger honey tea bags
italian almond tea 20 tea bags
italian almond tea loose leaf 100g
lemon lime tea bags
lemon tea bags
love tea 40 tea bags
love tea 80 tea bags
lumiere double wall glass
luxury timber presenter with lid 12 slot 120 tea bags
luxury timber presenter with lid 6 slot 60 tea bags
lychee 20 tea bags
lychee with rose and almond loose leaf 100g
mango strawberry 20 tea bags
medawatte loose leaf 125g
mediterranean mandarin 20 tea bags
mediterranean mandarin loose leaf 100g
mint tea bags
natural ceylon ginger tea 20 tea bags
natural ceylon ginger tea loose leaf 100g
natural infusion of blueberry clove loose leaf 100g
natural rosehip with hibiscus loose leaf 90g
nuwara eliya pekoe 20 tea bags
nuwara eliya pekoe loose leaf 100g
organic ceylon green tea 100g 1
our teas
black tea
black tea loose leaf
black tea tea bags
dilmah single region selection
single region selection loose leaf
single region selection tea bags
fun tea
gift of tea
green tea
green tea tea bags
tea presenters
watte series
white teas
white tea loose leaf
peach loose leaf 100g
peach tea bags
peppermint cinnamon clove loose leaf 60g
perfect cup infuser
prince of kandy 20 tea bags
prince of kandy loose leaf 100g
pure chamomile flowers 20 tea bags
pure chamomile flowers loose leaf 42g
pure peppermint leaves 20 tea bags
pure peppermint leaves loose leaf 34g
ranwatte loose leaf 125g
rose with french vanilla 20 tea bags
rose with french vanilla loose leaf 100g
strawberry 20 tea bags
supreme ceylon single origin 20 tea bags
supreme ceylon single origin loose leaf 100g
t 16 luxury wooden presenter
t 4 luxury wooden presenter
t 9 luxury wooden presenter
t column
t series double wall glass
t series thetiere plunger
tea accessories
tea timer
the original earl grey 20 tea bags
the original earl grey loose leaf 100g
udawatte loose leaf 125g
vanilla ceylon tea 20 tea bags
vanilla ceylon tea loose leaf 100g
yatawatte loose leaf 125g
delivery areas
black tea extract with lemon lime
blackcurrant 10 tea bags 1
blueberry and pomegranate loose leaf 100g 1
blueberry vanilla tea bags 1
brilliant breakfast 20 tea bags 1
brilliant breakfast loose leaf 125g 1
caramel tea bags 1
ceylon green tea with lychee ginger loose leaf 75g 1
ceylon supreme 125g 1
ceylon whole leaf green tea 100g
ceylon young hyson green tea 85g
chill out t wooden presenter 1
dilmah gentleman s tea 60 tea bags 1
dilmah gentlemen s tea 20 tea bags 1
dombagastalawa single estate fbop loose leaf 85g 1
earl grey 125g 1
earl grey vanilla ceylon black tea 85 reserve
effortless tea infuser 1
elixir of ceylon black tea with amaretto royale
elixir of ceylon black tea with elderflower grapefruit
elixir of ceylon black tea with mango
elixir of ceylon black tea with passionfruit and honeysuckle
elixir of ceylon black tea with peach
elixir of ceylon black tea with rose vanilla
elixir of ceylon green tea with mango lychee
english breakfast 125g 1
events t lounge
finest ceylon teas variety gift pack 80
first ceylon souchong loose leaf 75g 1
galle district op1 loose leaf 85g 1
ginger honey tea bags 1
italian almond tea 20 tea bags 1
italian almond tea loose leaf 100g 1
lemon lime tea bags 1
lemon tea bags 1
love tea 40 tea bags 1
love tea 80 tea bags
lumiere double wall glass 1
luxury timber presenter with lid 12 slot 120 tea bags 1
luxury timber presenter with lid 6 slot 60 tea bags 1
lychee 20 tea bags 1
lychee with rose and almond loose leaf 100g 1
mango strawberry 20 tea bags 1
medawatte loose leaf 125g 1
mini t presenter 1
mint tea bags 1
moroccan mint green tea 20 tea bags 1
moroccan mint green tea 80g
natural ceylon ginger tea 20 tea bags 1
natural ceylon ginger tea loose leaf 100g 1
natural infusion of blueberry clove loose leaf 100g 1
natural winter infusions
nuwara eliya pekoe 20 tea bags 1
nuwara eliya pekoe loose leaf 100g 1
organic ceylon green tea 100g
our teas
85 reserve
black tea
christmas tea
dilmah single region selection
elixir of ceylon tea
fun tea
gift of tea
green tea
tea presenters
watte series
park estate emerald green special op loose leaf 70g 1
peach loose leaf 100g 1
peach tea bags 1
peppermint cinnamon clove loose leaf 60g 1
peppermint cinnamon infusion 85 reserve
perfect cup infuser 1
prince of kandy loose leaf 100g 1
pure chamomile flowers loose leaf 42g 1
pure chamomile flowers tea bags
pure peppermint leaves 20 tea bags 1
pure peppermint leaves loose leaf 34g 1
ranwatte loose leaf 125g 1
raspberry 20 tea bags 1
resplendent island ceylon tea
rose marzipan mint ceylon black tea
rose with french vanilla 20 tea bags 1
rose with french vanilla loose leaf 100g 1
royal ceylon breakfast black tea 85 reserve
strawberry 20 tea bags 1
supreme ceylon single origin 20 tea bags 1
supreme ceylon single origin loose leaf 100g 1
t 16 luxury wooden presenter 1
t 4 luxury wooden presenter 1
t 9 luxury wooden presenter 1
t column 1
t series double wall glass 1
t series thetiere plunger 1
tea accessories
tea timer 1
the original earl grey 20 tea bags 1
the original earl grey loose leaf 100g 1
udawatte loose leaf 125g 1
vanilla tea bags 1
yatawatte loose leaf 125g 1
black tea extract with lemon lime
elixir of ceylon black tea with amaretto royale
elixir of ceylon black tea with elderflower grapefruit
elixir of ceylon black tea with mango
elixir of ceylon black tea with passionfruit and honeysuckle
elixir of ceylon black tea with peach
elixir of ceylon black tea with rose vanilla
elixir of ceylon green tea with mango lychee
events t lounge
minimalist paint sip workshop adults 300pm 500pm
our teas tlb
elixir of ceylon tea
signature high tea
signature high tea dine in
signature high tea store pickup
valentines day paint sip